Utilidex: Modern Slavery Statement

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires organisations like Utilidex to produce a statement setting out the steps we have taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains, and the progress we have made.Utilidex provides Software as a Service product to energy consumers and utility participants. Doing business ethically is one of our most essential values, and we have integrated both Modern Slavery and carbon reduction strategy into our supplier relationship policy; as criteria for evaluating third-party suppliers.

This alongside information security is also incorporated into our general assessment and will be reviewed when our supply chain changes.

We employ approximately 30 people at Utilidex and we demand they work ethically in carrying out their roles. Modern Slavery awareness has been introduced into our induction policy and we have incorporated this also into our whistleblowing policy. Utilidex monitors any potentials risks that our team might raise on an active basis.All eligible suppliers and contractors have a modern slavery statement and policy. There are only 2 minor suppliers with an operations team of less than 5 staff who have not made a statement on their website. We have explored these alongside our larger contractors to ensure they meet Modern Slavery standards. This is now incorporated in our supplier relationship strategy and a check point of our authorised supplier list.Modern Slavery also applies to contractors which we use from time to time. Both UK and Indian based contractors have a statement regarding ethics, modern slavery and human trafficking that they must comply with.

Whilst for a small organisation the risk of being impacted by modern slavery and human trafficking are currently small Utilidex continues to review these alongside and other risks to our business on a monthly basis.This statement is made in pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Utilidex’s human trafficking statement for the financial year ending March 31st 2023.

We employ approximately 30 people at Utilidex and we demand they work ethically in carrying out their roles. Modern Slavery awareness has been introduced into our induction policy and we have incorporated this also into our whistleblowing policy. Utilidex monitors any potentials risks that our team might raise on an active basis.All eligible suppliers and contractors have a modern slavery statement and policy. There are only 2 minor suppliers with an operations team of less than 5 staff who have not made a statement on their website. We have explored these alongside our larger contractors to ensure they meet Modern Slavery standards. This is now incorporated in our supplier relationship strategy and a check point of our authorised supplier list.

Modern Slavery also applies to contractors which we use from time to time. Both UK and Indian based contractors have a statement regarding ethics, modern slavery and human trafficking that they must comply with.Whilst for a small organisation the risk of being impacted by modern slavery and human trafficking are currently small Utilidex continues to review these alongside and other risks to our business on a monthly basis.

This statement is made in pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Utilidex’s human trafficking statement for the financial year ending March 31st 2023.

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