At Utilidex, we are committed to providing a single platform to manage your energy estate, and we are excited to have extended our capability to include water as a commodity that can be validated within the system.


Manage all your standing data in one platform 

The Energy.Hub now manages all your standing data for power, gas and water. Users can now upload these sites containing water meters, individually or in bulk. 


Configure any of your water supplier’s bills  

You can upload several supplier bill formats, including Business Stream, Wave & Wave Plus. Additionally, we can work with any supplier to configure the bills in your supplier’s format whether on EDI, xls or csv.


Validate your water bills  

The platform also performs four validation checks on your standing site data including checking the SPID number, checking if the site is active for the billing period, whether the invoice is a duplicated number or if there are multiple invoices for the same period.

In addition to water, we will soon be adding oil as a commodity to the platform. For further information on this or how to activate water within your Energy.Hub, please contact Vanessa Adams at [email protected]