
An integrated set of SaaS cloud products, to help you manage your key energy supply business, all the time putting customer engagement front andcentre in what you do.

The Utilidex Energy.Hub provides suppliers with advanced functionality to enable flexible energy trading, PPA management, accurate I and C billing and meter data management for customers with complex/pass-through billing arrangements.

A fully automated approach to Complex Billing

Creating bills and accruals for gas and power is made simpler by the Energy.Hub’s processing of energy trades and direct sourcing of third party costs and smart meter data.

To learn more, download the brochure

A cloud based, integrated Energy Trading platform

Securely manage your cost and revenues allocation across the entirety of your portfolio through our end-to-end energy trading management platform.

Import highly granular forecasting

Trade in the secure knowledge that demand and supply forecasting are imported to the finest granular detail to support physical risk position calculations by book, tariff or trader.

Full trade price and forecast aggregation

Aggregate trades and forecasts to view total energy position of either a generation or supplier portfolio in near real-time.

Trade supported by scenario analysis

Make accurate decisions based on scenario analysis and what-if trades.

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)

Support PPAs or embedded generation both behind the meter or in front of the meter contracts, managing the forecasts, transactions and embedded benefits with accurate settlement and invoicing. To learn more, download the brochure.

To learn more, download the brochure

Monitor your energy generation

A straight through process for calculating energy generation and settlement based on accurate meter data.

Discover efficiencies and savings

Automatically calculate embedded benefits and cost savings alongside third party costs.

Manage your carbon intiatives

Centralise your carbon certificate trades and renewable certificate transactions and levies in a single platform.

Benchmark and forecasting

Measure your long term generation forecasting for gas and power alongside short term smart optimisation tools for both flexible plant and batteries.