This month, we embarked on updating our brand and logo. However, we wanted the change to be more than just colours and graphics; we aimed to embody something that represents who we are. This rebrand is a milestone and a checkpoint, as we pivot towards a future filled with new possibility.

In recent years, several companies have entered the residential energy sector, pushing our industry forward through innovation and putting the customer first. This ethos, combined with a renewed focus on technology, continues to deliver new opportunities in a world where new business models emerge around the energy transition.


While many of these companies focus on the residential market, our focus has been in the business and corporate sector, where we see tremendous opportunity. As these companies transition the residential sector, we are inspired and eager to transform the business and corporate landscape. We remain eternally grateful for the support from our customers and partners and believe our journey is about to get very exciting—Together!

Together with Our Customers

Our journey thus far would have been impossible without the continued support of our customers and their focus on delivering positive change. When we started, we sought out early adopters willing to embrace a new company with a bold vision. As we look to the next decade, we are once again searching for bold customers passionate about transforming the energy landscape and seizing the new opportunities it presents.

Together with Our Team

We believe in the power of a great, diverse team. Recent months have brought significant new hires and a renewed commitment to skills development.

Our mission is to make the energy sector attractive to people who want to make a positive change. We want Utilidex, working with our customers, to be a place where people can contribute to creating a greener, better world.

Together with Partners

Collaboration is at the heart of our strategy. We are excited to continue working with our trusted partners and to forge new relationships with key players in the energy transition. As a company, we have always championed cross-industry collaboration, viewing it as a major opportunity to learn and innovate in one area and apply these advancements across other sectors.

We recognise the need to collaborate more closely with government entities, financial institutions, and investment firms that see the potential in funding green initiatives. Together, we can drive the necessary changes to protect our planet and propel our industries forward.

Together With Innovation

Innovation is in our DNA. We are committed to developing new supplier business models that open opportunities for energy suppliers and consultants, enhancing the customer experience. We believe this not only creates a better, greener world but also generates new revenue opportunities for businesses.

By fostering innovation, we aim to provide better outcomes for our customers, ensuring they benefit from the advancements in technology and the energy transition. Our joint goal is to build something we can all be proud of, something that truly makes a difference in the world.

Together with Technology

The future of energy is intertwined with technology. The energy system of tomorrow will be more dynamic and fluid, requiring renewable energy sources on the grid to seamlessly communicate with buildings and customers who both consume and produce power. It will be more digital, more dynamic, and more interconnected.

This need for change coincides with a major technological shift, marked by advancements in cloud computing, microservices, scalability, and the advent of AI. Our commitment is to continually explore how we can transform the industry and harness these technologies for the greater good, enabling our customers and their customers to fully embrace the opportunities these advancements provide.

Together, Transforming Energy

We are excited about this next chapter and hope you appreciate the new brand change and, importantly, what it stands for. Our ethos remains that we can only achieve our goals by working together with our valued partners, customers, and suppliers, and we look forward to a highly collaborative and exciting time ahead.