Whether you’re focussed on cost, carbon or consumption, our analytics platform can help you identify the changes that matter.

Reduce and track your carbon, cost, and consumption with Energy Analytics.  Interactive dashboards, reports, alerts, and cost-focused calculators will enable you to eliminate waste, optimise your load and find profitable investments within your energy assets.

Key product benefits



Unlimited users, allowing you to provide access to the entire team


Benchmark your sites cost, carbon and consumption using leader boards


A wide range of interactive dashboards and reports for consumption, cost and carbon


Schedule automated reports for you, your team and your customers


Fully automated reports and alerts, to be notified of key events and opportunities


Manage, plan and track budgets


Features End Customers Consultants Suppliers
Data Management
Site Data
Meter Data
Cost, Energy, and Waste Reduction
RAG Reporting
Vacant Energy Reporting
Capacity Reporting
Consumption Benchmarking
Consumption Tracking
Energy Intensity
Cost Intensity
Carbon Reduction & Management
Renewable Generation Asset Tracking
Carbon Tracking & Reporting
GHG & CRC Reporting
Carbon Intensity
Budget Management
Budget vs. Energy Spend
Determine Variation Due to Weather
Reporting & Data Management
Advanced Reports
Integrate with Power BI
API Integration
Excel Add-In
Employee Engagement
Carbon Reduction Wallboards
Mobile App – with Key Energy Stats
Supplier / TPI
Branded Landing Page
Internal System Integration

Applications to help you do more.

You can purchase any one of our software products direct as a customer, or through one of our partner consultants or suppliers.


Automate your bill validation with straight-through processing from EDI receipt to payments in minutes.


Trading and Energy Procurement

Provide full financial transparency to your energy procurement strategy, highlighting the risks and rewards in locking-in energy prices over time.